Response Codes & Errors

All successful responses are returned in JSON. On our paid endpoints only the queries with a 200 response code (successfully completed) are counted towards monthly allowances and overages.

Code Name Message Description
400 MALFORMED_REQUEST Incoming request is malformed: %s The request was built incorrectly. For example: the format of the response wasn't defined; the body of the request is invalid JSON, etc.
400 NOT_VALID Request validation failed: one or more fields are not valid The sent data is incorrect. For example: the field email address should be the actual address; the field title is required, etc.
400 ENTITY_NOT_FOUND The specified entity does not exist The request was sent to the non-existing entity. For example: requesting the account with ID 10 while such an account doesn't exist, etc.
401 SERVICE_UNAUTHORIZED Authorization to service has failed. Check the service credential The attempt to enter into the system with the wrong access parameters. For instance: the application key wasn't identified; the application key doesn't exist.
401 UNAUTHORIZED Authorization to your CRM has failed. Check the application credential "The CRM access parameters don't work. This may occur during the attempt to add an application in the following cases:
  • the access parameters are incorrect from the very beginning,
  • the access parameters became irrelevant in the process of usage.
403 SERVICE_CONNECTED_APPLICATIONS_LIMIT Connected applications limit exceeded. Upgrade your plan to connect more applications The attempt to add a new application fails when there are already added the number of applications included in the subscription plan.
403 NOT_SUPPORTED Requested method is not supported The method isn't supported yet.
403 NOT_ALLOWED Required method is not allowed: %s The required call is forbidden. In this case, the sent data is correct, but such requests aren't allowed if:
  • there is an attempt to delete our test application,
  • there is an attempt to remove entities from our test application,
  • there is an attempt to apply a filter to resources that don't support it (i.e. application, platform. customField).
403 API_NOT_ENABLED The API is not enabled The required CRM platform API is turned off. To proceed with work, the CRM API should be activated.
403 ACCESS_DENIED You don't have access to API. Check the application permissions There is no access to CRM API.
403 RESOURCE_ACCESS_DENIED You don't have access to this resource. Check the application permissions There is no access to required CRM resource (i.e. contacts, leads, etc.)
403 METHOD_ACCESS_DENIED You don't have access to this method. Check the application permissions There is no access to the CRM method resource (i.e. delete contacts, delete leads, etc.)
403 ENTITY_ACCESS_DENIED You don't have access to this entity. Check the application permissions There is no access to the CRM entity (i.e. to delete the contact with ID 10, etc.)
403 QUOTA_LIMIT_EXCEEDED The maximum available number of calls were sent, and they can't be recorded anymore. For instance: if there is a limit for users, let's say only 5 users are allowed, then the sixth can't be added. To fix this situation, upgrade the CRM plan or delete the irrelevant records.Entities quota limit is exceeded. You can't create new records
429 SERVICE_REQUESTS_LIMIT You have exceeded the service requests limit of %u requests The number of requests has exceeded the supported amount in the plan.
429 SERVICE_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_LIMIT You have exceeded the service concurrent connection limit of %u requests The number of concurrent requests has exceeded the supported amount in the plan.
429 REQUESTS_LIMIT You have exceeded the requests limit of %u requests The number of requests to CRM has exceeded the supported amount in the CRM plan.
429 CONCURRENT_REQUESTS_LIMIT You have exceeded the concurrent connection limit of %u requests The number of concurrent requests to CRM has exceeded the supported amount in the CRM plan.
500 INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR Something has gone wrong. Please contact our support This can occur due to the inexplicable circumstances. For example: it can be unprecedented in the service code; the service code may stop working at the certain moment, etc.